Metal Bunk Beds For Domestic Use
Metal Bunk Beds For Domestic Use
Metal Bunk Beds For Domestic Use
Metal Bunk Beds For Domestic Use
Metal Bunk Beds For Domestic Use
Metal Bunk Beds For Domestic Use
Metal Bunk Beds For Domestic Use
Metal Bunk Beds For Domestic Use
Metal Bunk Beds For Domestic Use
Metal Bunk Beds For Domestic Use

Metal Bunk Beds For Domestic Use

Regular price $326.06

Product Specifications:
Product Information

Product name: BUNK BED
Product Code: S00880002
Product type: General item
Country of origin: China
Main Color: Black
Main Material: Metal
Product dimensions

Assembly Length (inches): 77.95
Assembly Width (inches): 41.34
Assembly Height (inches): 63.4
Assembly Weight (lbs): 68.42
Package size

Length (inches): 77.3
Width (inches): 15.53
Height (inches): 5.51
Weight (lbs): 75.53


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